Mr. Tiwalade Adebiyi
Head, Finance & Accounts
Mr. Tiwalade Adebiyi obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting
from Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile – Ife, Nigeria. He is a Fellow of The
Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria and also an Associate member of
The Chartered Institute of Taxation of Nigeria.

He has attended various courses and workshops on Information Technology especially in the area of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). He has several years of extensive and diversified work experience spanning through Corporate Finance & Accounting, ERP deployment & solution, Audit & Taxation and General Administration in manufacturing concerns.
He joined Chemstar Paints Ind. (Nig.) Ltd. in July 2010 from Studio Press (Nig.) Plc where he was a Senior Accountant.
Mr. Adebiyi is a Christian and married with children.